Saturday, August 29, 2015

Not all of them are Whores

I was at Church last week when a Single Lady was giving a Testimony of the fact that when she got back to Nigeria after Masters she did not have to wait up to one year before she got her dream Job that also provided her with a Car.
Some of her Friend's began asking her who the 'Maga' was but she smiled and said 'She serves a Living God'.

This gave me the thought that society may be a bit unfair to Single affluent Ladies, for one i know some of them in my Church that are affluent without having to do shady or nasty things to get there.

Just because some Single Ladies probably slept around for their wealth, does not mean every single mature lady living an affluent life is a 'Whore'.

I beg to disagree because i have met some of these Ladies and i know that they did not have to sleep around for Money.

Because of this outrageous thought, I know a lady who has refused to buy Car even know she earns well enough to have one just because she is young and does not want to be seen as a 'Whore'.

We should not be quick to Judge or Gossip about Single Affluent Ladies especially when you do not know their struggle story.

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