Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Every Jewelry needs care


Jewelry are a girls' best friend and in as much as designers like macksita try to give you the best quality, these jewelries need to be catered for.

Please consider the following tips to prolong the lifespan of your macksita jewelry:

1. Do not jumbble your pieces in a drawer as pieces can scratch each other, Always store your jewelry seperately in individual jewelry box

2. Keep Jewelry away from chlorine, Swimming pools, salt water and perspiration.
3. Apply your cosmetics, hair spray and perfume before putting on your jewelry and whenever you remove your jewelry, wipe it carefully with soft cloth to remove any trace of these substances.
4. Do not store jewelries in plastic bags as they are not breatheable.
5. Always make sure your jewelry is clean and moisture free before storing
5. Jewelries should always be stored at room temperature.

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