Friday, January 22, 2016

Weekend Breakfast - Rich fired Egg sauce and Yam

On weekends, I like having fried eggs and boiled yam or potatoes. Below is how i make this .


  1. Eggs
  2. Tomatoes
  3. Pepper
  4. Onions
  5. Baked beans
  6. Hot dogs
  7. Green peas
  8. Groundnut oil
  9. Seasoning


Step 1. Wash the  tomatoes, pepper, onions and Hot dogs and then Chop
Step 2. Beat the eggs in a bowl and put in a little seasoning
Step 3. Place the groudnut oil in the frying pan and heat for 1 minute
Step 4. Put in your chopped tomatoes, pepper and onions and allow to fry for 4minutes
Step 5. Add a little seasoning to the tomatoes and then Put in your green peas and after 1 minute put in your baked beans and leave for another minute.
Step 6. Now put in your eggs and immediately sprinkle your chopped hot dogs over the eggs and leave for 1 minute
Step 7. Keep stirring the eggs until they are fried.

Then Serve your rich fried eggs with boiled/fried yam or potatoes. You can also serve this with rice.
Below is a video for better viewing

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